I. The Fall of Adam and Eve - Genesis 3:1-24
A. The ability to choose came with a warning
B. The act of rebellion against God.
C. The progression of the act of rebellion
D. The consequences of the fall.
II. Cain and Abel: A Brothers’ Story - Genesis 4:1-26
III. A Book of Death - Genesis 5:1-32
IV. A Challenge
I. Adam and the Image of God - Genesis 1:26-28
II. Adam and the Theology of Work - Genesis 2:15, 29
III. Adam and a Freedom with Restraints - Genesis 2:16-17
IV. Adam and His Loneliness - Genesis 2:18, 20-23
V. Adam and His Marriage - Genesis 2:24-25
VI. A Challenge
I. A Brief Introduction to Genesis
II. The Account of Creation
A. There is a beginning to everything except God
B. God created everything
C. God created in a progressive fashion
D. God designed His creation to reproduce themselves in a
logical fashion
III. A Challenge
I. Living through and Triumphing Over Our Circumstances - Phil 4:10-13
A. Paul expresses his gratitude for the gift that he had been sent
B. Paul speaks about his attitude toward material gain
C. Paul relates the variety of conditions he had experienced
D. Paul shares the secret of contentment
II. Sharing Our Resources with Others - Phil 4:14-23
A. The Philippians gave more than was expected
B. Paul experienced joy when he had received their gift
C. Paul related that those who give are as blessed as those who
III. A Challenge