I. A peek into the lives of these shepherds
II. Angels that brought a message of hope and fear
III. The shepherds’ response
IV. The first evangelists of the Christmas message
V. A Christmas Challenge
I. Joseph: A Willing Husband - Matthew 1:18-25
A. What does the Bible tell us about Joseph?
B. What does the Bible tell us about Joseph’s dilemma?
II. Mary: A Willing Wife - Luke 1:26-38
A. What does the Bible tell us about Mary?
B. What does God share with Mary?
C. What was Mary’s decision?
III. A Christmas Challenge
I. Jacob’s Early Life
A. He was born as an answer to prayer - Genesis 25:21
B. Jacob had problems even before he was born -
Genesis 25:22-26
C. Jacob traded the invaluable for the valuable -
Genesis 25:29-34
D. Jacob deceives his father to receive the family blessing -
Genesis 27:1-40
II. Jacob: The Fugitive
A. Jacob at Bethel and an encounter with God - Genesis 28:1-22
B. Jacob meets his match in Laban - Genesis 29:1-31:55
III. Jacob: The Broken Man
A. An encounter with Esau - Genesis 32:1-21
B. An encounter with God - Genesis 32:22-31
IV. A Challenge
I. The Setting of the Story
II. The Challenge Offered - Genesis 22:1-3
III. The Challenge Accepted - Genesis 22:3-5
IV. Questions Asked and Answered - Genesis 22:6-8
V. The Obedience of the Son - Genesis 22:9-11
VI. The Response from God - Genesis 22:12-14
VII. A Portrait of the Cross is Described
VIII. A Challenge
I. The Covenant has two focal points
A. Descendants - Genesis 15:1-5
B. Land - Genesis 13:14-15 and Genesis 15:18-21
II. Abraham’s response - Genesis 15:6
III. God’s response
A. The cutting of a Covenant - Genesis 15:9-12, 17
B. Circumcision - Genesis 17:9-11
IV. A Challenge
A. This is a Covenant based upon God’s grace - alone!
B. This is an eternal Covenant based upon God’s grace
I. Abraham’s Background - Genesis 11:27-32
II. The Call of Abraham - Genesis 12:1-3
III. But I Don’t Have a Perfect Faith-
IV. A Challenge
I. The book of Job - Its Background
II. The Story of Job
A. What was this man - Job 1:1-8
B. The first behind the scenes encounter in heaven - Job 1:6-12
C. The flood of tragedies begin - Job 1:13-22
D. The accusations of his friends and the defense by Job -
Job 3-37
III. So, why is there suffering in the world?
A. Suffering refines our faith - 1 Peter 1:5-7
B. Suffering grows us toward maturity - James 1:2-4
C. Suffering may allow us the opportunity to display the work
of God - John 9:1-3
D. Suffering is a tool God uses to help us to conform to the
image of His Son - Romans 8:28-29
E. Suffering produces within us perseverance and character
- Romans 5:3-5
IV. A Challenge
I. The Tower of Babel- Genesis 11:1-9
A. An act of disobedience - Genesis 11:1-2
B. A leader of this rebellion - Nimrod -
Genesis 10:8-12
C. The act of rebellion - Genesis 11:3-4
D. God’s intervention - Genesis 11:5-8
II. The Table of Nations - Genesis 10
III. A Challenge
I. Two Fathers
II. The History of Manasseh - 2 Chronicles 33
III. This History of Josiah - 2 Chronicles 34
IV. We Reap What We Sow
V. The Turn Around Generation
VI. Never Too Late
I. Time Before the Flood - Genesis 6:1-8
II. Noah’s Story - Genesis 6:8-9:28
A. The Prologue to the Story
B. The Story Told
C. The Epilogue to Noah’s Story
III. A Challenge from Noah
I. The Fall of Adam and Eve - Genesis 3:1-24
A. The ability to choose came with a warning
B. The act of rebellion against God.
C. The progression of the act of rebellion
D. The consequences of the fall.
II. Cain and Abel: A Brothers’ Story - Genesis 4:1-26
III. A Book of Death - Genesis 5:1-32
IV. A Challenge
I. Adam and the Image of God - Genesis 1:26-28
II. Adam and the Theology of Work - Genesis 2:15, 29
III. Adam and a Freedom with Restraints - Genesis 2:16-17
IV. Adam and His Loneliness - Genesis 2:18, 20-23
V. Adam and His Marriage - Genesis 2:24-25
VI. A Challenge
I. A Brief Introduction to Genesis
II. The Account of Creation
A. There is a beginning to everything except God
B. God created everything
C. God created in a progressive fashion
D. God designed His creation to reproduce themselves in a
logical fashion
III. A Challenge
I. Living through and Triumphing Over Our Circumstances - Phil 4:10-13
A. Paul expresses his gratitude for the gift that he had been sent
B. Paul speaks about his attitude toward material gain
C. Paul relates the variety of conditions he had experienced
D. Paul shares the secret of contentment
II. Sharing Our Resources with Others - Phil 4:14-23
A. The Philippians gave more than was expected
B. Paul experienced joy when he had received their gift
C. Paul related that those who give are as blessed as those who
III. A Challenge
I. There is to be stability - Philippians 4:1
II. There is to be unity - Philippians 4:2-3
III. There is to be joy - Philippians 4:4-5
IV. There is to be freedom from worry - Philippians 4:6-9
V. A Challenge
I. The Way of Self - Philippians 3:18-19
II. The Way of the Cross - Philippians 3:17, 20-21
III. A Challenge
I. Dissatisfaction - Philippians 3:12
II. Dedication - Philippians 3:13a
III. Not Haunted by the Past - Philippians 3:13b
IV. Have a Goal - Philippians 3:14
V. Keep the Rules - Philippians 3:15-16
VI. A Challenge
I. Background
II. A Declaration that There is Only One God
III. A Command to Declare
IV. A God to Share with Our Families
V. Why is This So Important?
VI. A Challenge
I. A Sermon Worth Repeating - Philippians 3:1-4a
II. A Man of the Year Award - Philippians 3:4b-6
III. Losses that Became Gains - Philippians 3:7-11
IV. A Challenge
I. Timothy: God’s Teenager - Philippians 2:19-24
A. Timothy had the mind of a servant
B. Timothy had the training of a servant
C. Timothy experienced the rewards of a servant
II. Epaphroditus: God’s Layman - Philippians 2:25-30
A. He had a balanced life
B. He had a concern for others
C. He had risked his life
III. A Challenge
I. Purpose to Achieve - Philippians 2:12
II. Power to Receive - Philippians 2:13
III. A Contrast between the Believer and the Nonbeliever- Philippians 2:14-15
IV. Promise to Believers- Philippians 2:16-18
V. A Challenge
I. Christ’s Humility - Philippians 2:5-8
A. Jesus did not think of Himself
B. Jesus became a servant
C. Jesus became a sacrifice
II. Christ’s Exaltation - Philippians 2:9-11
A. Actions of exaltation
B. Results of exaltation
III. A Challenge
1. “Come follow me . . .” The first step to being a disciple is to follow Jesus and be in an intimate relationship with him.
2. “. . . I will make you . . . “ The second step to being a disciple is to allow the Spirit of Christ to transform your heart so that you increasingly become more like Jesus.
3. “ . . . fishers of men.” The final step of being a disciple is to go on mission with Jesus and make disciples . . . of everyone.